Author: Manmeet Grover

Vitamin C

Did you know? Vitamin C is a Water-soluble vitamin that maintains a healthy immune system. You need a minimum of 75-90 mg/day (for adults 19 years and older). The best sources of vitamin C are vegetables and fruit. Other food groups do not contain much vitamin C. Some examples are Red and Green bell peppers, […]

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Did you know? Copper is an essential trace mineral that maintains a healthy immune system. You need a minimum of 900mcg /day. The best sources of copper are • Nuts (such as cashews), seeds (such as sesame and sunflower), and chocolate • Wheat-bran cereals and whole-grain products • Potatoes, mushrooms, avocados, chickpeas, and tofu • […]

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Did you know? Zinc is an essential trace mineral that maintains a healthy immune system. You need a minimum of 8-11 mg/day. The best sources of zinc are Oysters, Beef, Pork, lentils and cheese Include these following foods in your diet and build a STRONGER IMMUNE SYSTEM! 1/2 Cup/125 ml of Ricotta cheese may have […]

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Did you know? Selenium is an essential trace mineral that maintains a healthy immune system. You need a minimum of 55 mcg/day. The selenium content in foods is affected by the soil where the animal was raised or the plant was grown. The best sources of selenium are brazil nuts, pork, couscous, oyster and eggs. […]

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Vitamin E

Did you know? Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that maintains a healthy immune system. You need a minimum of 15 mg/day. Vitamin E is found mainly in foods that contain fat. Some examples are nuts, seeds, avocado, vegetable oils and wheat germ. Some dark leafy greens and fish are also sources of vitamin E. […]

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How to Grocery Shop Safely During the Outbreak?

During the widespread COVID-19 pandemic, grocery shopping can be quite stressful and unnerving as well. It is inevitable to avoid touching surfaces or objects like door handles, shopping carts and etc., but with the right precautions, we can take care of ourselves and our families much better. Keep in mind, Whatsapp is not a reliable […]

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What are Coronaviruses?

Coronaviruses area a group of a large group of Viruses. They consist of core of genetic material surrounded by an envelope with protein spikes. This gives an appearance of crown. The crown in latin is called “CORONA”. That’s how theses viruses get their name. There are different types of viruses which cause Respiratory and Gastrointestinal […]

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