How to Grocery Shop Safely During the Outbreak?

During the widespread COVID-19 pandemic, grocery shopping can be quite stressful and unnerving as well. It is inevitable to avoid touching surfaces or objects like door handles, shopping carts and etc., but with the right precautions, we can take care of ourselves and our families much better. Keep in mind, Whatsapp is not a reliable source for COVID-19 information!

Are you concerned-

• If you need to disinfect your groceries?

• Is it okay to use reusable bags?

• Could the virus be transmitted from objects and food?

• How do I handle shopping carts?

• Should I wash my produce after buying?

Let’s talk about evidence-based tips for grocery shopping safely during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Coronavirus can remain viable on hard surfaces

• Plastic and steel, for unto 3 days

• Cardboard for 24 hours

• Copper for 4 hours

(the New England Journal of Medicine)

Evidence Based Tips and Precautions for Safe Grocery Shopping


1. Disinfectants (e.g. chlorine, bleach, isopropyl, alcohol should not be used to cleanse/wash fruits and vegetables)

2. Use vigorous washing under running water

3. Vinegars are not effective at killing the virus

4. Do not wash food with soap and water. There is a chance that you could ingest soap or detergent residues absorbed on the produce and you could experience nausea and stomach upset because your body cannot handle soap residues.

5. Wash All fruits including those that have a peel e.g bananas, apples, oranges, melon

6. Use a clean scrub brush if needed. And wash the brush with soap and water after each use.


1. Avoids crowds as much as possible

2. Keep at least 2 meters away from the staff and customers

3. Do not use cash-Use credit card or debit to pay

4. Avoid reusable grocery bags. Use single-use grocery bags, discard them after use.

5. Bag your groceries yourself if you want to minimize touch by other people


1. Use disinfectant wipes on high touch surfaces

2. Discard wipes immediately after use

3. Use a hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) when you leave the store

4. Wash your hands immediately when you get home


1. Set aside non-perishable groceries such as rice, flour, sugar, etc. for three days before using them.

2. QUARANTINE them in an out of the way place for 3 days